dimecres, de maig 28, 2008


Jean Paul Barriler – Nuevo Gurú de la moda masculina en empresas de ingeniería. Así se le ha llamado a este nuevo, joven y genial creador de estilo laboral, (nombre no artístico Jordi Barril Seroles).

J.P.Barriler aterriza con fuerza en un sector del mercado, el de los ingenieros, para darle el glamour y el caché que éste se merece. A sus 26 años considera que ir a trabajar con –T-shirt y zapatillas deportivas es propio de jovenzuelos y niñatos.

Nos propone para esta nueva temporada una colección de trajes y accesorios, tales como los sombreros que podéis ver en las foto de arriba, que pretenden arrasar en todos los despachos de nuestro país! De momento empresas del conocido prestigio internacional como es el caso de IT, ya son afortunados clientes VIP.

En la foto adjunta vemos a Jean Paul Barriler en el centro de la foto. Marcel Sanz (sin nombre artístico) en la parte izquierda, y, Albert Rogra en la parte derecha (Rogra si es artístico). Ambos profesionales del sector se encuentran entre los clientes prestigiosos de este diseñador catalán que con su estilo pretende reformar un sector profesional muy valorado. Otro de los clientes habituales, del cual por el momento no disponemos de material gráfico, es Alex Calvo, oiremos hablar de el!. De bien seguro que con este par de modelazos, y Alex cuando se deje hacer fotos, Jean Paul no va a tener problemas en incrementar su prestigio actual.

dimarts, de maig 20, 2008

3D Receptionist

- 3D Mousy Hostel, good afternoon...
- Sorry lady, I kindly ask u if there is place for 15 ppl to come the 3rd weekend of June
- Yes, sir. Would u like to sleep in the burrow or in the nest?
- Sorry lady, but we'd like to sleep in a bed.
- Ok, Sir... I'll try to do my best. Let me tell u something tomorrow.
- And Madam pls., the breakfast is included?
- Yes sir... Would u like rubbish or cables?
- No Madam, we'd like to eat croissant or some bread...
- Ok Sir... Let me see...
- And Madam, the last question is regarding the shower...
- Yes Sir, what would u like to know?
- I'd like to know if there is a shower per room!
- A shower per room Sir? Are u crazy? You can go downstairs where u will find the sewer, there... u'll be able to waste as much water as u need, u'll find fresh air, and if u want, maybe u will meet new people!! :)

Sooooooo... this is our last conversation with the 3D Mousy Hostel Receptionist ;)

divendres, de maig 16, 2008

Next trip... :D

Hi guys!!
Next trip... ??
It'll be on June, 20th - 24th!
Everything started in the Irish Pub with beer. After some pints we decided to fly somewhere and after reading, checking, searching... we decided to go ??... We'll go together with our lovely friends placed in Dublin. Total: 15 boys and girls!! :D... I'm really looking forward to this moment!!

Below u can read some interesting reviews of where we'll be! All these breathtaking comments made us took the decision: If someone else would like to join us there... :D just tell it


Apr 26, 2008 - I wasn't there for more than 30 minutes, only I saw all, paid all!!! and went away really everything for me was terrible.

Apr 21, 2008 - Better look for another Hostel, believe me. The Hostel is incredibly dirty, especially the toilets and the showers, and there is a RAT in the kitchen (no kidding). I don't recommend this Hostel under any circumstances.

Mar 28, 2008 - The shower is in the courtyard so, even under the rain, you've to pass among the pub users...NAKED! In the room there's not even a place where put clothes.BAD

Feb 25, 2008 - Is close to train station, closer than some times you can't sleep by the train, in the other hand you can walk to the principal sights, is a nice place but some time the staff people are very unpolite

Feb 06, 2008 - There is very loud.. it's fare then 10 minutes to E.T. ... and the showers are outside.... but the stuff is nice

Feb 01, 2008 - not so good

So... What do u think about it? :D...

Let's see who'll be the first crying, or who'll be the first to sleep standing up, or who will be the first without showering during 4 days (mofet, puzzola,skunk), who'll be the first into get nervous...

Bet and win, jajajajaja... almost we'll remember this story all our life!!

I'm gonna explain u the trip step by step, don't worry, hahaha

dijous, de maig 15, 2008


Dear all,
From now on I'll try to write posts in English.
The main reason is that I'd really like that all the people who wants to read and understand these comments could do it.
I'd really like to apologise about my English, I know that it's not good at all but I'll try my best to improve it and treat this language as good as possible.
I'd also like to tell that if I had the possibility to write in Catalan, I'd do it. As you maybe could see in other sites there is a tool to translate the posts. Yes, there is, but Catalan is not there, sooo... chose to chose (literal translation of a Catalan sentence, jiijiji, triar x triar) I've preferred to write everything in English.
Let's wait that Google/Blogger/God's team include our loved and nice language in the Google language tools. Once this will arrive, I'll change into Catalan again.
I'll also add the tool bar just in case u need to translate the text into Danish/Spanish/Finnish or whatever!

dilluns, de maig 12, 2008

Mofets a Austria

Aquest video és la representació del clàssic sopar que fem anualment a Bad Gastein (Àustria). Pugem amb tele cadira fins al restaurant, allà sopem una deliciosa Foundi, i baixem amb trineu "go to the snow". En aquest video veurem l'ambient de després de sopar, i ja posats a fer n'analitzarem els detalls :D. Punts a tenir en compte:

1. Marcel va estar tot l'estiu aprenent la lletra de la cançó: "Eh, wi in di aisberg tse,uooooo, eh, wi in di aisberg tse, uoooo"... Votarem a favor que ho va lograr LOL.
2. Juntament amb les classes d'alemany va fer classes de balls tradicionals de l'après-ski.
3. Ge: Tots felicitem al teu personal trainer! Observem una reducció brutal de greix sobretot zona panxa i pit. Molt bé.
4. Part més coneguda de la cançó... uoooooooooooooouooooooooooo
5. La misteriosa mà del Gerard; aquest nano té un do especial per tenir "les manos del pulpo!"... Aquesta noia a la qual agafa per darrere no la coneix de res...Amb l'escusa del Luisma és tonto... Ja ha fotut grapa!!
6. Ge ball tipus Vicente: pit fora, espatlles enrere, picar de mans, i balanceig lateral...

dilluns, de maig 05, 2008

Rauxa - Brut

El post de la setmana!!
"Brut" de Rauxa!!
S'ho mereixen per ser un gran grup, que fan gran música, amb gran animació... en fi, que en ells tot és bastant gran :)...
Amb els anys el tema fan rollo "super pop" es porta eh!! :DDDD
En fi, que són bons, i si se'n pot fer una mica de ressó (que no és que en tinguin poc) millor que millor!!
Apali!! A disfrutar de la cançó... i dp, com us agradarà, a comprar els cd's ;)

P.D.: Ni tinc res a veure ni vaig a comissió. Són bons!!